"Nature inspires creativity by demanding visualisation... and the full use of the senses. In nature a child finds freedom, fantasy and privacy."
Richard Louv
What is Forest School?
Forest School is a wonderful opportunity for children to play and learn outdoors and to experience nature first hand. At Forest School children are given real freedom to explore and discover in an exciting woodland environment.
Forest School emphasises child-led learning; the leader becomes a facilitator, a mentor and experienced companion, supporting children in exploring things that interest them. The child-led approach has significant benefits; supporting children in developing independence, confidence, creativity, perseverance and resilience - essential life skills.
As well as lots of child led, free play, we set up some activities, this might include craft, cooking, stories, songs or nature based activities, but our preference is always to focus on child led play, that's where the magic happens! Children can play in the mud kitchen, swing on the rope swing or in the hammock, they use tools, paint with mud, climb, build dens, jump ditches, hunt for bugs and much more...
Den Building
Woodland Art
Fire Lighting
Rope Swing
ID trees & plants
Tree Climbing
Mud Play
Bug Hunts
And lots more...

Forest School sessions focus on meeting the needs of the whole child. Plans are based on observations of the children at play and are therefore centred on the interests and needs of the children.
Research shows that children who regularly take part in Forest School grow in confidence and self esteem, they improve their language and communication skills, they are more motivated, their strength, fitness and agility improves, and they gain a better understanding of the natural world.