"There is no such thing as bad weather, only unsuitable clothing"
Alfred Wainwright
What to Wear:
Children (and adults) will need to wear clothes that are suitable for the weather at any particular time of year.
Wellies - Stout Shoes or Boots in dryer months - but remember children can't resist mud!
Thick Socks - Wellies are not very warm, insoles can help.
Warm Waterproof Coat
Jumper or Fleece
Long Sleeved Top - reduces frequency of stings, scratches and insect bites
Trousers - reduces frequency of stings, scratches and insect bites
Waterproof Trousers - these are expensive and not essential, but if you can pick some up 2nd hand they will help to keep children warm and dry.
Hats and Gloves - for the colder months
Hair band - long hair tied back to keep children safe near fires
Winter - As the weather turns chilly lots of layers will be essential, children will not enjoy themselves if they are too cold. Layers can always be removed if they're too warm.
Spare dry gloves will be handy in winter.
Summer - In warmer weather it's still a good idea for children to be well covered, long sleeves and trousers will help to reduce insect bites and scratches. However on very hot days short sleeved t-shirt and shorts may be more appropriate as the trees are still small and don't yet offer much shade, but please ensure your child has a cap and suncream on exposed skin.
Please read information on ticks from the links below so you are aware of how to reduce the risk of bites. Tick leaflet.
Further information here www.nhs.uk
You may wish to use an insect repellent, but beware there are no guaranteed methods proven to give complete protection from ticks.
Send children in old clothes that won't matter if they get snagged or mud stained.